Solace Ames
LA Doms is a series set of stand-alone novels linked by theme and the atmospheric setting. All LA Doms stories are BDSM erotic romances set in Los Angeles, with life in the fast lane. And they'll all have...
a wry sense of humor
diverse characters
new twists on old tropes
kinky sex, always!

The Companion Contract
RT Magazine TOP PICK and February 2015 Seal of Excellence
"Slow-burn romances aren’t common in erotica, but nothing about the third in Ames’ LA Doms series is typical—in the best way possible."
"Twosomes, threesomes, bondage, a little S&M: porn actress Serena Sakamoto, aka Amy Mendoza, has done it all. In less capable hands her characterization as a tough-on-the-outside insecure young woman might be clichéd, but Ames (The Submission Gift) pulls off a genuinely complex portrayal with ease."
"Clearly, this book is edgy. In a genre populated with virgin heroines, it's a rare treat to find one who relishes sex and is unapologetic for it. Amy is one of my favorite heroines, ever."

The Submission Gift
Publishers Weekly: Top Ten Romance Books of 2014 (Winner)
RT Awards: Best Digital Erotic Romance 2014 (Nominee)
"A husband hires a "rent boy" to satisfy his submission-craving wife, with no idea of the consequences for all three of them, in Ames's debut, a tender, erotic ménage romance."
"★★★★ 1/2: The attention Ames gives to each relationship creates a rich, entertaining and highly erotic - oftentimes downright dirty - tale."

The Dom Project
"The Dom Project is erotic romance with heavy emphasis on the erotic side. Which isn’t to say it doesn’t have a happy, satisfying ending — but it’s set in a milieu in which the traditional romance “rules” simply do not apply. And it creates that world so well, I didn’t miss them."
"This book put a smile on my face. John and Robin are such good, mature friends. They respect each other and know that when they start with these BDSM sessions, it definitely will affect their friendship, but they let what happens unfold at a nice pace. If you want a quick BDSM read, I recommend this one."